Esther Candari, a student from Kaneohe, Hawaii, majoring in Visual Arts, completed a sculpture of the apostle Peter and presented it as a gift to President John Tanner and the University as a “small token of gratitude for all he does to help achieve the mission and vision of this special place.”
“Esther is a very dedicated and passionate student of the arts. She is equally gifted as a sculptor as well as a painter,” says Dr. Jeffrey B. Merrill, a professor of visual arts at BYU–Hawaii.
Candari presented the project during the University’s Undergraduate Research Conference this year. Her sculpture acts as a representation from the Visual Arts program and her gratitude for the special spirit President Tanner and his wife Susan have brought to BYU–Hawaii. She dedicated over a hundred hours of work into the sculpture. “I decided to create a sculpture of Peter as a project for a New Testament class,” she explained, “and Peter is someone I have always connected very personally with.” She added that she relates to Peter’s impulsiveness, insatiable inquisitiveness, and courage, “And I have always been inspired by his rise from very humble beginnings.”
The annual Undergraduate Research Conference