As part of an unprecedented and historic investment that will renew the university’s buildings and infrastructure for the next 50 years, progress continues in preparation for the new McKay building project, with construction slated to begin in the summer 2025.
The effort to preserve the interior murals from the foyer is now complete. These paintings have been preserved and are being stored for possible future use.
The next phase of our preservation efforts includes the exterior mosaic. We anticipate work on the mosaic will begin in the next month. The mosaic will be removed and stored for safekeeping during the upcoming construction work. When the new campus welcome center is complete, preserved portions of the mosaic will be displayed as a prominent feature in the new building.
In the meantime, please submit your memories, stories, and photos of this special campus landmark. We are excited for this transformative investment in the future of BYU–Hawaii as these new buildings and preservation activities will serve to renew the campus and advance the university’s mission to educate students and develop leaders who follow the example of Jesus Christ.
McKay Foyer Murals
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David O. McKay Mural
McKay Mosaic - A tile mosaic depicting President David O. McKay at a flag-raising ceremony at Laie Elementary School with the Laie Hawaii Temple in the background and the pledge of allegiance and Hawaii state motto surrounding the depiction.
Photo by Moniqe Saenz
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Defiance of Pele Mural
“The Defiance of Pele” – mural depicting High Chiefess Kapi'olani openly defying the Hawaiian goddess Pele, demonstrating her conversion and faith in Christianity.
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Missionaries Dedicating Oahu Mural
“Our Missionaries Bless the Islands” depicts early Latter-day Saint missionaries dedicating the Hawaiian Islands for missionary work.