CES Devotional Address
On Sunday, September 8, the BYU–Hawaii campus welcomed Elder Russell M. Nelson of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles for a CES Devotional originating from the Cannon Activities Center (CAC) in Laie, Hawaii. Thousands of young people gathered in the CAC to hear his message, which was broadcast worldwide via satellite and internet transmissions, permitting many others to hear the apostle’s words of inspiration and guidance specifically for young adults ages 18 to 30.
His talk was entitled “Youth of the Noble Birthright: What Will You Choose?” and counseled young adults to remember that their choices had eternal consequences and to look forward to the future. “You, as youth of the noble birthright are literally sons and daughters of God, born at this particular time in the world’s history for a most sacred purpose,” he stated. “Although the moral and religious values of society seem to be weakening across the globe, youth of this Church are to be standard bearers of the Lord and beacons of light to attract others to Him.”
He asked a series of questions, encouraging self-reflection among audience members. One portion of his address related directly to the students of BYU–Hawaii as he addressed education: “Will you choose to increase in learning?” he asked. “Indeed, our education is for the eternities. … Education is the difference between wishing you could help other people, and being able to help them.”
Visit cesdevotionals.lds.org to watch Elder Nelson’s September 2013 CES Devotional and to watch/read previous CES Devotionals. The next CES Devotional will be on November 3, 2013, with Russell T. Osguthorpe, Sunday School General President.
Dedicating the Heber J. Grant Building
After the CES Devotional, Elder Nelson participated in the dedication of the newly completed Heber J. Grant Building at BYU–Hawaii. More than 450 people filled the second-story chapel of the new building while thousands more watched a live broadcast of the dedication at the CAC. The speakers included Philip McArthur (Dean of the College of Language, Culture, and Arts and Stake President of the Laie Hawaii YSA Second Stake), Max Checketts (BYU–Hawaii Vice President of Academics), Steven C. Wheelwright (BYU–Hawaii President), and Elder Paul V. Johnson (Commissioner of the Church Educational System) and Elder Nelson who gave brief remarks before he gave the dedicatory prayer.
The 41,000 square-foot building will serve as the new location for the College of Business, Computing and Government and as well as a stake center for the Laie Hawaii YSA 2nd Stake. Speakers connected this dual function to BYU–Hawaii’s mission to “integrate both spiritual and secular learning.” Elder Johnson suggested that such a location on campus would guide students to become “multipurpose individuals,” helping them develop in all areas of their lives. “We are multi-purpose beings,” he said. “We weren’t designed for one thing and then have to adapt to do other things. … We have within us the ability to do multiple things.”
President Wheelwright emphasized the importance of building on a sure foundation. “We know that the only sure foundation we can build our lives on is that of the Savior and His gospel.” Brother Checketts, referring to the new building, stated, “Our faith has helped to bring this about; our love and unity have been seen by the Lord and another miracle is coming forth.” President McArthur said that the building would “be a point of departure for men and women to go forward armed with knowledge, with testimony and capacity to serve the Lord, to build his kingdom.”
Elder Nelson began his remarks with mention of missionary work and how even a building dedication can be about missionary work. “Everything we do in the Church pertains to changing people,” he said. And this is “so that the glory of God can be realized. … It’s really quite simple. We have a Father in Heaven who loves us and he wants us to come home.”
Referring to President David O. McKay’s statement that BYU–Hawaii exists to promote peace and happiness, Elder Nelson said “Man is that he might have joy, and ours is the business of joy.”
In his dedicatory prayer, Elder Nelson said “As we gather to dedicate this structure, we humbly rededicate ourselves – our time, our talents, and all with which Thou has blessed us, as we seek to build up Thy Kingdom upon the earth and establish Thy righteousness here and elsewhere.”