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BYU-Hawaii Women’s Organization Begins 2007-2008 with Two Service Projects

Members of the BYU-Hawaii Concert Choir showcased the 2007-2008 theme of the BYU-Hawaii Women’s Organization  by singing “Holding Hands Around the World,”  a popular LDS Primary song, at the organization’s first luncheon of the academic year held Friday, 21 September 2007.  Sister Margaret Wheelwright, wife of BYU-Hawaii president, Steven Wheelwright, was the featured guest speaker.

Sister Wheelwright shared the parable of a mule who fell into a deep hole.  His owner determined it was easier to bury the mule than try to rescue him.  Instead of succumbing to his fate, the mule determined to shake off each shovelful of earth as it hit his back, and step up.  Eventually he ended up stepping out of the hole which was to have been his grave.

As she shared personal experiences that have been life-changing for her and her family, she said that using the “shake it off and step up” attitude has helped her come out on top, allowing the experiences to help her learn and grow.


 Margaret Wheelwright

“I am so excited to be here,” said Sister Wheelwright , as she concluded her talk.  “Nothing has made us happier, ever, than to be here in Hawaii.”

During the luncheon leaders announced two service projects that are presently being sponsored by the Women’s Organization: 

Keiki Card “stamp-a-thon”

6 October, “World Card Making Day,” Linda Robertson is sponsoring a “stamp-a-thon” at her home to create 500 handmade greeting cards for Keiki Cards to send to children with life threatening illnesses.  The “stamp-a-thon” will run from noon to midnight.  Robertson said she is hoping to have 10 to 15 people per hour working on the project.  Supplies are provided, but a one to five dollar donation would be welcomed.
"Keiki Cards " is a nonprofit organization whose goal is to support children with life threatening illnesses,  ages infant to 18,  by sending them handmade cards through the mail.  Approximately 400 children a week in Hawaii,as well as  mainland U.S.A., and Canada receive cards.  For more information or to get involved in the project, please contact Robertson by phone: 293-9451 or by e-mail:

Business attire contributed for BYU-Hawaii students

Through her connections with Silicon Valley WOMEN, Helena Hannonen, of the BYU-Hawaii School of Business , has received 600 pounds of business attire to distribute to deserving BYU-Hawaii students. 

In her business classes, Hannonen teaches her students the importance of looking the part when applying for a job or working in a professional business setting.  However, many students lack the means to purchase such clothing.

In a conversation with California business friends about the BYU-Hawaii Career Fair, Hannonen mentioned the student need for appropriate clothes.  “What do you need?’ they asked.  “Business attire,” replied Hannonen.  Her friends offered to donate clothing.  “That would be nice,” replied Hannonen.  Before she knew it, 600 hundred pounds of clothing that included five boxes of shoes were on their way to Hawaii.  The Matson Navigation Company donated part of the money needed to send the shipment.

In anticipation of the 6 October BYU-Hawaii Career Fair , the clothing will be distributed Friday, 28 September from 8 to 10 a.m., and Saturday, 29 September from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. in the Aloha Center, room 155/165.  The distribution on Friday is reserved for IBM majors.

A number of people and campus organizations have stepped up to help organize and distribute the clothing, but more volunteers would be appreciated.  For more information or to volunteer to help please contact Helena Hannonen by phone:  675-3595 or by e-mail:

The BYU-Hawaii Women’s Organization is a service-oriented institution seeking to provide intellectual, cultural and social opportunities for its members and to promote a spirit of harmony and unity among the members of the university and the community.  Through its fund-raising efforts, the organization sponsors textbook scholarships for at least ten deserving BYU-Hawaii students each year.

Officers for the 2007-2008 academic year are: president, Mirian Martins; first vice president, LeeAnn Kinghorn; second vice president, Doris Nilson; secretary, Karen Thompson, and treasurer, Jamie Fife.


--photos by Rosemarie Howard