BYU-Hawaii Management Society won the Dean’s Gold Chapter of Excellence Award from the Marriott School of Business on Sept. 28 for their effort in helping society members to create a global network and for striving to inspire society members to become moral and ethical leaders. “Gold is the highest award you can receive in the Management Society,” explained Helena Hannonen, a professor in business and the faculty advisor to the Management Society. “The marvelous thing about the students winning this award is they are competing with professional chapters, and they are winning.” She said the Management Society is a BYU-Provo based society, which has chapters around the world striving to grow moral and ethical leadership. Kathryn Wells, a senior in human resources from Colorado and vice president of the Management Society, said, “It was a year’s worth of work. Lots of hours in meetings, planning, and a little stress, but it was all worth it in the end. I would do it again in a heartbeat.” She explained how the journey took her and her classmates to Utah to receive the Dean’s Gold Chapter of Excellence Award. Alexandria Okolowitz Vu, a senior in finance from Germany and president of the Management Society, explained the organization is an invaluable tool for the students at BYUH who are looking for a job, an internship, or an opportunity to practice their leadership skills. “I used to not even like to talk in front of anybody,” said Vu. “The Management Society has definitely challenged me to not be afraid of myself or other people, and to accept that I will make mistakes. The society has put me out there to practice, to learn, and to help me to adopt the attributes of a seasoned leader.” “Joining the Management Society is an amazing way for students to get their name out there and to be able to network. The Management Society isn’t a regular student club. It has members all over the world that are already seasoned professionals who want to mentor the students,” explained Hannonen. Hannonen related a story of a past student who was helped by the society. She said, “A few years back there was an accounting student who was graduating and had not yet found a job. He was very upset, so right before Christmas break I brought him in to my office and had him join the Management Society. Through the society I helped him contact the president of his local chapter to ask the president to spread his resume around. By the time he left Honolulu, a few days later, he had two interviews lined up, and by the time he landed at home he had a job after he graduated.” Unfortunately, one of the biggest misconceptions about the Management Society is that its only for business majors, explained Wells. “Since joining the Management Society I’ve met so many doctors, dentists, and artists from around the world, the society really can be a benefit to anyone.” Vu said, “The great thing about the society is it doesn’t end here, at BYU-Hawaii. It is all around the world.