Culture Night 2024 lived up to the hype as the two-night event was filled with memorable performances from 25 culture clubs that showcased their respective nations’ backgrounds while promoting uncommon parts of cultures exclusively for Brigham Young University–Hawaii students and the community of Laie.
The Hype Before the Show
Although both Culture Night days started later in the evening, crowds from both the general admissions entrance and the student entrance were forming lines 3 hours before the doors opened. Students were seen lined up as far as the employee gate of the Polynesian Cultural Center, with some sitting on the pavement doing homework as they waited for the doors to open. Similarly, community members brought their entire families with them, bags filled with snacks and beverages to keep their cravings satisfied for the duration of the night.
On stage, ushers and Student Leadership & Service (SLS) employees were hard at work ensuring that the event went off without a hitch, preparing themselves for an eventful night of assisting audience members as well as making sure that the club performers followed a routine-based movement once a previous club finished their performance.
The Long-Awaited Event
The first night featured performances from the clubs of Hawai’i, Tonga, Indonesia, Rotuma, Taiwan, Cambodia, Kiribati, Thailand, Vietnam, Korea, Cook Islands, Aotearoa, and Samoa.
The second night featured performances from the clubs of Latin America, Malaysia, Hong Kong, Japan, Golden Mecca, Papua New Guinea, Mongolia, China, India, Tahiti, Filipino, and Fiji.
The performances ranged from thunderous and explosive to contemplative and traditional, with occasional mixing between the two. Students gave their all as they presented their respective cultures with a sense of pride and dignity, all while keeping the values of being a disciple of Jesus Christ.
Audiences cheered as loud as they could for each club that performed, giving the entire Cannon Activities Center an atmosphere of excitement that no other BYUH event could match. Support for the clubs was enhanced when audience members would cheer a performing friend’s name, sing along to familiar songs, and light their phones’ flashlights to illustrate a massive chain of lights that looked like fireflies dancing.
Eventually, as both nights came to a close, club performers finished feeling an immense sense of satisfaction performing their cultures, while students and community members went home with happiness and smiles on their faces as the memory of an unforgettable event etched their minds forever.
Excitement for the Future
Fittingly, Culture Night 2024 coincided in the same week as Come, Follow Me’s reading of the Book of Mormon, fulfilling the Lord’s promise that He “inviteth them all to come unto him and partake of his goodness; and he denieth none that come unto him, black and white, bond and free, male and female; and he remembereth the heathen; and all are alike unto God.” (2 Nephi 26:33)
Culture Night 2024 will forever remain in the hearts and minds of all who participated and watched, but as this event finishes, undoubtedly, a small amount of excitement awaits for what next year’s Culture Night will bring.
As students reflect on the vibrant performances of unity and celebration, the promise of Culture Night in the SLS website is fulfilled as this year’s results included student development, an opportunity to engage other cultures, and most of all, celebrate “cultural diversity and promote peace internationally.”