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First Annual Marketing Week “AMPS” Up On Campus

The BYU–Hawaii Alliance of Marketing Professionals & Students (AMPS) is hosting its first annual Marketing Week with a series of campus-wide events that are available to students from all majors to participate, learn, and network as marketers. The mission of AMPS is to “help prepare students for business success through programs, projects and activities that enhance their knowledge, experience and connections within the marketing industry.”

Marketing Week started Friday night with the “Idea Zoo,” a three-person Target case competition. Participants were given a six-hour time limit to create and finish a project plan. Each team chose a different zoo animal as their mascot and some even came with costumes to match. “The whole experience was challenging - it simulated a real world project," said Clark Cannon, a junior studying supply chain, and part of the Turtle team. "The event made me much more excited about business marketing.” First place winners will each receive an iPad Mini, and all other participants will be awarded a range of prizes including iPod Nanos, Target gift cards, and AMPS merchandise.

Due to an overwhelming response of students seeking to participate in this year’s first annual marketing week, adjustments had to be made in order to accommodate all applicants. “We’ve been really pleased with the great response from the students,” said David Preece, professor of marketing in the Business Management Department. “We want to use that as a foundation for future Marketing Weeks to make them even bigger and better.”

Other Marketing Week Events

The “So You Think You Can Innovate” competition will take place Wednesday, March 13, as two-person student teams compete and demonstrate their creative marketing idea solutions. Elimination takes place in real time as audience members text to vote for their favorite team. Winners will each take home a free iPad Mini while members of the remaining four teams will receive Target gift cards. The competition will be followed by a networking reception for students to meet and network with marketing professionals who are on campus for Marketing Week.   

On Thursday, March 14, students can participate in a brown bag lunch with keynote speaker David Wilson, principal at Anthology Marketing Group, Hawaii’s largest communication firm, and later attend hot topic marketing workshops taught by top industry professionals.

Marketing Week will come to a close Friday, March 15, with an awards ceremony announcing the winners of the “Idea Zoo” and “So You Think You Can Innovate” competitions.

For more information on Marketing Week and to learn how to join AMPS, please visit: