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Campus Community

The Things That Matter Most

As Edward D. Smith from the Presidents’ Leadership Council addressed BYU-Hawaii at a weekly devotion he told students and faculty that the things that matter most in life are strengthening our faith and testimony of the Savior, listening to the promptings of the Holy Ghost, and being anxiously engaged in our earthly responsibilities.

Brother Smith was introduced on November 2, by his wife Shauna Smith. Sister Smith shared Brother Smith’s love for the scriptures, especially the Book of Mormon and the prophet Joseph Smith.  Brother Smith is a scholarship donator for BYU-Hawaii and desires to education of all who want it and are willing to work for it.  Brother Smith still continues to educate himself. 

“In addition to developing your faith, testimony of the Savior, and listening to the promptings of the Holy Ghost, I urge you to prepare and live your life in such a way that when you meet face-to-face with the Savior, you will be able to win his gratitude and feel of his love when you report on your earthly responsibilities.”

Brother Smith shared a quote by David O McKay who said that the men in the church will have an interview with the savior who will ask them about their relationship with their wife, an accountability about each of their children individually, what they have done with their talents, a summary of their activity in their church assignments, their honest in their dealings, and their accountability to contribute positively to their community, state, country, and the world.

Brother Smith quoted Gary Gray in article from a June 1995 Ensign.  A wife speaking said, “A Priesthood holder should find ways to bless his family….she should not have to compete with sports or television when trying to communicate with him.  He should simply love her.  He should love her when she is impatient and frustrated after a busy day, or when she burns the dinner or when she is four and a half months pregnant and doubts her ability to meet the needs of another child.” 

For those who are not married, Brother Smith gave them some advice as well.  He quoted Elder McConkie when he said, ““It is up to you NOT the angels in heaven to choose for you.”  

“God gave you a brain so use it!” said Brother Smith.  

He also went on to encourage them not to wait too long and to choose someone who has done something hard because character counts.  

For those with children, Brother Smith encouraged that they love them and show it, give them your time, teach them to work, and cherish what they are, not what you want them to be.  

Brother Smith also gave six ways to always stay in the church.  They are “1.  Pay your tithing.  Very few who do so fall into inactivity. 
2.  Always do what you are asked to do by the Bishop or Branch President. 
3.  Know your calling is from God. 
4.  Read the scriptures and pray.  The scriptures, prayerfully read, over the years will change your life like nothing else. I have a testimony of that. 
5.  Know that ALL roads in the church lead to the Temple. Go there to feel the peace of God. Go there to claim your blessings that the faithful are promised. 
6.  Follow the prophet.”

Photo by Monique Saenz