Elder Neil L. Andersen Speaks at Fall Commencement Skip to main content
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Elder Neil L. Andersen Speaks at Fall Commencement

With almost 300 graduates, along with family, friends, and professors of BYUH, in attendance the Cannon Activities Center was full in attendance to listen to Elder Neil L. Andersen, a member of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, addressed graduates, their families, and the BYUH campus at the Fall Commencement at BYU-Hawaii 20016 in the Cannon Activities Center. 

Entitled “Live Younger, Think Older” his talk counseled both graduates and audience of all generations to live according to their eternal spirit.  This main message was inspired by the wise words of comfort from his grandmother that gave him during his time serving as a young missionary. The counsel was to hold dearly to his devoted testimony, the source for all righteous decisions. In part to live younger means to “pursue your dream, work hard, and enjoy the strength of your body and the openness,” yet being able to accept the wise advice of those with more experience than ourselves.

Three primary thoughts outlined his talk: trust in our Heavenly Father and in the Savior, gratitude beyond the obvious, love in first place.

As his talk continued he iterated the thoughts of many saying that happiness is not found in glory, wealth, or acclaim, but by the size of love within our hearts.  With love, Elder Andersen connected the prophecy of David O. McKay for those leaving this school to be as “genuine gold… and establish peace internationally.”

In closing, Elder Andersen stopped to emphasize the most important part of his speech to listen to was this: “Prayerfully decide where to live, how to employ your educational talents, and where to raise your family, if you have that opportunity. You are an important part of the prophecy of President McKay, and the Lord is depending upon you.”  He promised all that no matter where we live that “wherever you live and whatever your situation, you can fill your life with goodness, and the Lord will bless you, lift you, and strengthen you. If you are willing, you will be an instrument in bringing about His glorious purposes.”

Just how these graduates have prepared with their collegiate education for the future, Elder Andersen related his life experiences paired with the search for greater knowledge. While studying at Brigham Young University Provo he met his wife and a year later married in the Salt Lake Temple in March 1975 just three weeks before his own graduation with an Economics degree.  Upon marriage and the soon graduation he was excited to begin starting a family, sharing education experiences, and developing in the work field. The couple moved to Boston, where Neil studied at Harvard University. Their first child, Camey, was born the following January during his first year of graduate school, and they were expecting their second child as he completed a master’s degree in business administration in 1977.

Elder Andersen was called by church president Thomas S. Monson to fill the vacancy created in the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles by the death of Joseph B. Wirthlin and, thus, was sustained as an apostle April 5, 2009.

Writer: Parker Lovett | University Relations |
