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Grow Encourages Students to Move Forward With Faith

Robert Grow expounded upon the example of the Brother of Jared and his relationship with the Lord at a BYU–Hawaii Devotional on August 4. "I love the story of the Brother of Jared because it is the story of a great man, with great faith, who loves the Lord but also feels paralyzing fear when faced with an overwhelming challenge," said Grow, founding Chair Emeritus of Envision Utah and chief consultant of Envision Laie (pictured top). "It is the story of how the Lord leads him through that fear until he exercises greater faith than any prior mortal. His experiences teach us the process the Lord uses in our lives to overcome our fears and help us act with faith."

The story is so important, Grow explained, that Moroni returns to unearth and add the Book of Ether containing "the founding vision of the Jaradite nation" to the golden plates. More specifically, the story holds importance to both the descedants of that nation and followers of Christ as Jared recorded important methods of learning from the Lord.

Grow speculated on the reasoning behind the brother of Jared's dithering for four years at the edge of the sea before receiving a three-hour chastisement from the Lord. The scriptures describe "mountain waves" and the "raging deep" that Grow supposed were much more extreme than those we see today due to the changing natural elements. "There are some things in life that look just too hard even for the best of us," said Grow. "There are times of fear and uncertainty, when you feel that you are just no match for what lies ahead. ... I learned that the story of the Brother of Jared was about me, and is about all of us, as we seek to make our way by faith through this life."

After developing the faith to move forward, Grow explained three difficulties that faced the Jaredite's preparation to travel to the Promised Land: lack of light in the barges, lack of steering ability, and a lack of air flow. Grow said, "Each one is solved differently, and in each solution, the roles of the Brother of Jared and the Lord are different. Most importantly, these three examples show us ways that the Lord works with us in solving the challenges and problems of our lives."

As for the air-flow, the Lord "simply gives the brother of Jared the right answer" after his preparation of building the barges. Grow explained, "Some questions in our lives the Lord will just answer, if we have done what we are supposed to (like building the boats) and then we ask for His help."

The solution to the lack of light, however, the brother of Jared had to figure out for himself under the Lord's direction. "Great teachers often lead us to answers by asking questions," explained Grow, just as the Lord asked the brother of Jared to find a solution. "Now he has the Brother of Jared thinking. Then the Lord starts to help the Brother of Jared better define both his question and his choices..." and leaves him to figure it out on his own. "The Brother of Jared proceeds a long way to prepare this solution before he re-approaches the Lord. ... It is important to consider that the Brother of Jared appears fully committed to cross the sea in the vessels. ... He is willing to go forth in darkness if that is what it takes to be obedient." The third solution "could only be provided by the Lord," said Grow, as the Jaredite's faith allowed them to go forth "tossed upon the waves of the sea" and guided by the Lord's power toward the Promised Land.

Grow identified with the brother of Jared's learning. "I know there have been times when the Lord has simply answered my prayers and told me how to do something or help me solve a problem, as he did with the Brother of Jared when he needed a solution for how they would breathe in their boats. I have also taken problems to the Lord that have required much study and research, and great effort, patience and diligence, on my part, before the Lord has lifted me beyond my human capacity and in the end helped me solve the challenges I was facing, as he did with the Brother of Jared's 16 small stones. Most profoundly, throughout my life, as I have tried to be faithful, I have felt the Lord's wind at my back constantly pushing me forward to the promised land which is symbolic of returning home to our Father in Heaven."

Addressing the students, Grow said, "This time in Laie is a time of preparation for each of you. Do not sit on the seashore (at least not too often or too long). Throw yourself into you education. Learn how the Church works and how to provide greater service. ... Day-to-day here, refine your raw ore into a "clear, white, transparent" receptacle, and let the Lord fill you with light. Behold you will become His light bearers to the world, filled with His knowledge, power, and spirit, and Zion will be wherever you go."

Click here to read the full transcript of Robert Grow's Devotional

—Photo by Ian Nitta