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Laie Local Returns as Physican's Assistant

BYU–Hawaii's new Physician's Assistant, Aaron Jensen (top), is a graduate of the school. "I went to elementary, high school and college here, and now I work here," he said. Jensen earned a master's degree in Health Science from Lock Haven University of Pennsylvania. "[After college] I was in plastic surgery for a year and I enjoyed it," Jensen said.

Jensen explained that his desire to practice medicine was inspired by on-campus staff and that he always wanted to return to the school to work. "I have been waiting for the position to be open for a while ... [and] it was actually Dr. [P. Douglas] Nielson who called me about the job," said Jensen.

Another degree is still among Jensen's goals. "I am looking into a Ph.D. program with an emphasis in research and administration," he said. “I have an interest in always furthering my education. To get a Ph.D., it is another two years of school."

"Not many people understand what a PA does," said Jensen. He explained that PA's practice under their own license and not under the license of a physician. PA's can do almost everything that an MD can do only under their supervision. The range of responsibilities includes writing prescriptions, treating illness and injuries, doing physical exams, diagnosing and treating illnesses as well as counseling on preventive health care, assisting in surgery and other practices that are traditionally done by a physician. Jensen said, “The career title ‘Physician’s Assistant’ was created for military medics.” The military medics would need civilian degrees in order to practice medicine in the civilian world. There was a shortage of physicians so the military medics became PAs to supplement the physician’s position. Now, the position of a PA is even available to individuals who have not been in the military.

"The clinic here is well seasoned with experienced providers who are here to help with anything you might need," said Jensen.

Jensen and his wife, Jennifer, left Laie to attend school in Pennsylvania and returned with their ten-month-old daughter. Jennifer "has a bachelor degree in elementary education and is working on her master's in education." Jenson related, "My daughter's name is Kaylee, who is a very energetic infant, already with a voice of her own." They have a second child on the way.

--Photo by Ryan Bagley