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Finding Aloha Through Science and Faith

Kade Nilsson sitting on a bench
Photo by Kevin Tumaliuan

Kade Nilson, a senior from Canada majoring in marine biology, shares how his connection to the gospel, his passion for marine biology, and his hopes for the future culminate in his education here in BYU–Hawaii.

A Decision for a Spiritual Path

While attending Liahona High School in Tonga, Nilsson knew he wanted to continue his education at a CES school, and BYU–Hawaii seemed like the perfect fit. However, the decision wasn’t as simple as he thought.

“It took me a year after my mission to finally decide to work towards this goal and apply. It was a blessing and a miracle that I got accepted,” Nilsson shared. His time as a missionary in the Australia Melbourne Mission also played a significant role in shaping his determination to enroll, with his faith and desire to grow both academically and spiritually being a central factor.

Kade Nilsson with his wife, Talia, and their son
Photo by Kevin Tumaliuan

Faith Deepened by Service

Nilsson grew up in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, but it was during his mission that the gospel truly became personal for him. "I saw the incredible power that the gospel brings to the lives of those who live it," Nilson said. This experience continues to guide him in his education and personal life.

He also highlights one particular moment that had the most profound impact on him during his time at BYU–Hawaii: “Getting married to my wife, Talia, in the Laie Temple has been the highlight of my experiences here in Hawaii. Seeing her example of being Christlike inspires me every single day.” This milestone has magnified his already strong resolve to live as a disciple of Jesus Christ.

Combining Science and Faith

Nilsson’s choice to major in marine biology has not only fed his passion for the natural world but has also reinforced his testimony of God. "I see His hand all around now that I understand more about how this physical world operates," he explained.

For Nilsson, studying marine biology has been a journey of discovery—both in science and in faith. He finds that his education has shown him how science and religion complement each other. "It’s been amazing to see both areas actually work so well together if you have a solid understanding of both," he said.

Aloha and Discipleship

One of the key elements of Nilsson’s experience at BYU–Hawaii is the spirit of aloha that surrounds the campus and the community. “Hawaii is so full of Aloha. I am better because of the aloha I have felt from Him through those around me,” he said.

This unique environment has helped Nilsson become a better disciple of Jesus Christ. "It makes me want to share that feeling of complete aloha with everyone around me," Nilson emphasized, reinforcing the importance of living with Christlike love and compassion.

Kade Nilsson standing and posing
Photo by Kevin Tumaliuan

Grounded in Faith

As he approaches graduation, Nilsson is excited to use the skills and knowledge he’s gained during his time at BYU–Hawaii to make a meaningful impact. With his background in marine biology, film, and entrepreneurship, he’s prepared to explore a wide range of opportunities while remaining grounded in his faith.

This has not only prepared him for a successful career but has also deepened his appreciation for God’s creations and the importance of balancing spiritual and secular learning. His experiences in Hawaii, both in and out of the classroom, have helped him grow into an individual who is ready to take on whatever comes next.

As Kade Nilsson prepares to take his next steps, his journey at BYU–Hawaii has equipped him to be a leader and a faithful servant, embodying the aloha spirit and carrying the lessons of this university into the world beyond.