Name: April Alohalani Kaluhiokalani Housman
BYUH employee since… 2015
My job at BYUH is… associate professor in Hawaiian Studies and dean for the Faculty of Culture, Language & Performing Arts
I grew up in… Delran, New Jersey
BYUH alum: class of 1982
I’m currently working on… a project about the scriptures, currently the Hawaiian translation of the Book of Mormon, the Doctrine and Covenants, and the Pearl of Great Price.
My favorite thing about teaching… is our students. In the Hawaiian Studies program, it’s always awesome to see freshmen who have no background in Hawaiian at all, and by the time they’re juniors or seniors, they’ve become knowledgeable and even fluent in the culture and language, going on to become teachers, serving other students, and giving back to the community.
I chose to teach at BYUH because… I’ve always wanted to be a teacher because I’m an alumna. When I graduated here, there wasn’t a Hawaiian Studies program. I became a Hawaiian immersion teacher for 14 years and was hired at UH Hilo to train teachers who wanted to teach the Hawaiian language, which eventually led me here.
My most cherished memory at BYUH… was my family’s experience at the Polynesian Cultural Center. At the time, we weren’t members of the Church, and my family, especially my twin brother and I, felt something really special and sacred about this place. This university is also where I first took my very first Hawaiian language class, so I guess I cherish it since this is where it all began.
My favorite spot on campus… is my office. I love my colleagues, administrative assistants, and tutors. I spend the majority of my time here, and I feel like this is my first home, with my second home being where I sleep. I just love the interaction with the people I work with.
What sparked my interest in my field… was my mentors, who inspired me and planted a lot of seeds in me to want to learn more about the genealogy, history, and culture of Hawaii.
On Saturday mornings, you’ll find me… working out at the gym and at the beach. On certain Saturdays, I’m also working on trainings at the Iosepa in the PCC.
You’ll never find me without… a remembrance of my Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ.
If I could travel anywhere in the world, I’d go to… the South Pacific, especially all our Polynesian islands. I’m going to the Cook Islands this Christmas break.
My favorite hike on the island… Makapu’u Point Lighthouse Trail. It’s been a good bonding moment for our family, and it has a beautiful scenic view.
I like to collect… books about Hawaiian culture, and stories about Hawaii; mo’olelo.
If you could eat one food for the rest of your life, it would be… any type of seafood, especially the squid luau.
I love reading… about people. I love biographies; their lives, the challenges they’ve had, how they overcome them, and the lessons they’ve learned from it.
One of the biggest challenges I’ve ever faced in my life… was being the first Hawaiian language immersion teacher in the entire state of Hawaii.
One item on my bucket list is… visiting Israel. I’ve always wanted to walk where our Savior Jesus Christ walked.
My favorite quote is… “But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and His righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.” (Matthew 6:33, 3 Nephi 13:33)
If I had an autobiography, it would be titled… Aloha a Kua, Aloha ‘Ohana, Aloha ‘Aina (Love of God, Love of Family, and Love of the Land Where I Come From)