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Businesswoman Uses Shop to Help Spread the Gospel

A small business owner told BYU-Hawaii students in the November 1 entrepreneurship lecture series how she uses her retail shop to share the gospel:

Margo Powell, a Latter-day Saint and owner of Bikini & Things sports swimwear shop near Waikiki for the past seven years, said her talk could be entitled "using the Lord in whatever you do."

"We have much knowledge that blesses our lives, but so many people throughout the world don't have this knowledge. Because we have been given so much, we have a great responsibility as we go forward in our lives," she said, noting she was impressed at a recent fireside at "what a great opportunity you young people have being educated in this great academic system, whereby you're also receiving these eternal truths the whole world needs and wants."

"I have a fair amount of business, so when you see me in my little bikini shop, I want you to know that's a vehicle for me to share the gospel," said Powell, who was raised and educated in Utah. In Hawaii she worked for Hilton and Sheraton in food and beverage. She also worked in management consulting administering psychological profiles, owned a bridal salon for a number of years, used to produce big expos and bridal fairs, and published a book called WeddingPages.

"Because I love sharing this gospel, I have pictures of Christ in my shop," as well as other items to help remind her to be an instrument in the hands of God to bring some soul to repentance (Alma 29:9). For example, she has a number of angel-motif items which call to mind her favorite scripture in Alma 29:1, Oh that I were an angel, and could have the wish of mine heart, that I might go forth and speak with the trump of God, with a voice to shake the earth, and cry repentance unto every people.

When she was starting up her wedding business, she was drawn to a fleurde lis design, which she later found out "is a symbol that represents the Godhead." Now she has a fleur de lis sculpture with a small ball-mirror hanging from it, "like a little disco ball, [which] reminds me of always filling my life with light."

She told the students of having an experience one night in bed when she heard the spirit whisper, "Bask in His life-giving light," and then had the feeling that she was filled with light. This led her to develop HawaiianShimmer, a suntan lotion with sparkling gold highlights. The product design includes a "mermaid looking toward the light, which means the light of Christ."

One day, Powell continued, a woman came by and said she always dreamed of owning a shop like hers. After giving her a tube of Hawaiian Shimmer, then "I asked her what she knew about the spiritual significance of light. She said not too much, so I started to share some things I knew about light from the Book of Mormon."

It turned out the woman was a "fallen-away member of the Church, who said, ‘It's time to return.' I ask the Lord all the time in my prayers that I might be used as an instrument. I also believe in the adage, prepare yourself and the opportunity will come."

"I don't claim to be successful financially, but all that really matters is when we stand before the Lord we've done all we can do."

Powell also shared several other bits of wisdom she has found useful in her life and business:

• Always remain true to God, yourself and others.
• Develop a strong, moral unwavering character.
• Develop a strong sense of self: You are a child of God.
• Be honest, loyal and trustworthy.
• Don't ever compromise your values.
• Develop a strong work ethic.
• First impressions matter.
• Develop the confidence and poise to stand apart from others.
• Set goals and prioritize them.
• Discipline yourself.
• Surround yourself with people who you would like to emulate.
• Seek additional learning experiences.
• Be open to new ideas.
• Remember, you don't know what you don't know until you know it.
• Be quick to forgive, and leave justice to God.

"I wish you all the greatest success," Powell said. "Get involved in God's dreams, and God will get involved with yours."