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BYU–Hawaii In The News

Episode 181: BYU–Hawaii and the Polynesian Cultural Center: Teaching and sharing the ‘aloha spirit’ and love of Christ

Podcast from the Church NewsMarch 26, 2024

P. Alfred Grace, president and CEO of the Polynesian Cultural Center, shares the history and values of the cultural center, where many BYU-Hawaii students work

Pu’uhonua: How BYU–Hawaii has become ‘a place of refuge’

An article from the Church NewsMarch 24, 2024

CES’ Asia/Pacific capstone brings together countries and cultures; the campus community is ‘one in Christ,’ says BYU–Hawaii President John S.K. Kauwe III

Episode 180: BYU–Hawaii President John S.K. Kauwe III on the spiritual and intellectual mission of the university

Podcast from the Church NewsMarch 19, 2024

Church News podcast, recorded from the Laie campus, features President Kauwe talking about the vision and future of BYU-Hawaii and of his service as the university’s president

Sister Wright invites all to understand personal revelation and priesthood power

An article from the Church NewsMarch 13, 2024

During BYU–Hawaii devotional, Sister Amy A. Wright shares truths from Joseph Smith’s First Vision

‘God was still with me’: Former Navy head coach tells BYU–Hawaii students how personal revelation guided him through wins and losses

An article from the Church NewsFebruary 28, 2024

Though he didn’t always get the wins he hoped for, Ken Niumatalolo, the new head football coach at San Jose State University, told BYU–Hawaii students how he has been blessed by understanding God’s will

Those who ‘let God prevail’ can experience ‘miracles everywhere’

An article from the Church NewsFebruary 21, 2024

‘Believe that God knows your struggles and will send miracles,’ says Sarah Jane Weaver, executive editor of the Church News, during BYU–Hawaii devotional

A call for integrity: Elder Rasband’s invitation at BYU–Hawaii

An article from the Church NewsFebruary 10, 2024

‘Your integrity is central to fulfilling your mortal charge to become, as best you can, like the Savior Jesus Christ’

Elder Rasband’s message of love for young adults in Hawaii

An article from the Church NewsFebruary 9, 2024

Elder Rasband speaks to Polynesian Cultural Center, BYU–Hawaii student mentors of their purpose

‘Bursting at the seams’: How schools and institutes carried out CES Date Night

An article from the Church NewsFebruary 2, 2024

BYU, BYU–Idaho, BYU–Hawaii, Ensign College, BYU–Pathway Worldwide and 15 institutes of religion hosted Date Night events. Read how it went

CES to host ‘low-pressure’ events to help ‘reset the culture of dating’

An article from the Church NewsJanuary 24, 2024

BYU, BYU–Idaho, BYU–Hawaii, Ensign College, BYU–Pathway Worldwide and 15 institutes of religion will be hosting a Date Night event on Jan. 31

BYU–Hawaii devotional: Bishop Budge outlines 5 things both President Nelson and prophet Mormon taught

An article from the Church NewsOctober 10, 2023

Bishop L. Todd Budge, second counselor in the Presiding Bishopric, was recently reading the Book of Mormon when he was struck by the similarity of the prophet Mormon’s ancient words and President Russell M. Nelson’s modern ones.

Maui stake president shares miracles and lessons learned from Lahaina fires

An article from the Church NewsSeptember 27, 2023

During a BYU–Hawaii devotional, Maui's Kahului West Stake president shared four ways to remember to find Jesus — and recognize His miracles — "as we go."

Brother Newman Shares how to Navigate 4 Critical decisions for students

An article from the Church NewsSeptember 20, 2023

Brother Jan E. Newman, second counselor in the Sunday School general presidency, gave BYU–Hawaii students guidance for deciding to serve a mission, choosing a field of study, finding an eternal companion, and dealing with questions about the Church.

Know Jesus Christ and Live by Honor Code, BYU–Hawaii President and Wife Tell Students

An article from the Church NewsMay 30, 2023

Getting to know Jesus Christ and being prepared for opportunities were two major themes of the opening devotional for fall semester at BYU–Hawaii on Tuesday, Sept. 5. President Kauwe also reviewed the school’s Honor Code and the “sacred privilege” students have of upholding it.

Scientist to President: How was Scientist Dr. John "Keoni" Kauwe Chosen to Lead

A podcast from Let's Get Real with Stephen Jones August 22, 2023

Learn more about President Kauwe's unique experience in receiving the calling to serve as university president and more.

The Ripple Effect of the Prophet’s Counsel to Young Adults

An article from the Church News July 11, 2023

In the past year, presidents of BYU, Ensign College, BYU–Hawaii, and BYU–Pathway have shared insights and guidance they received from listening to President Nelson’s Worldwide Devotional for young adults.

Religion and Higher Education Podcast by Higher U. Podcast

A podcast from the Future U Podcast May 30, 2023

 Elder Gilbert was recently interviewed by Michael Horn and Jeff Selingo. A major focus of the interview was how religious universities are helping address some of the most vexing issues in higher education.

Historian Identifies Rare First Edition Copies of Hawaiian-Language Book of Mormon

An article from the Church News May 30, 2023

Brooks Haderlie, a retired university archivist at BYU–Hawaii, sets out to see how many Hawaiian first editions of the Book of Mormon are left.

Why My Mum Could Not Attend My University Graduation in Hawaii

An article from the Re: News in New Zealand May 24, 2023

Irene Tawa, a recent Māori graduate, shares her experience completing her degree at BYU–Hawaii after her mum passed away and the connection that working at PCC brought to her and the Māori culture.

"Are We Making Ourselves Available to the Lord?” Asks Elder Schmutz at BYU–Hawaii

An article from the Church News May 24, 2023

Elder Evan A. Schmutz, General Authority Seventy, reminds BYUH students of the Lord's divine example and asks them to turn towards him when called upon by the spirit.

More Than 11,100 Degrees Awarded at 4 Church School Graduations During Spring 2023 Commencements

An article from the Church News May 3, 2023

April 2023 marked commencements at BYU, BYU–Idaho, BYU–Hawaii, and Ensign College.

Seek for Covenant Belonging, BYU–Hawaii President Encourages Students

An article from the Church News May 3, 2023

President Kauwe reminds students that they are children of the covenant and to strive to honor those covenants while Sister Kauwe invited listeners to join her in temple service.

More Than 1,200 BYU–Hawaii Students Representing 31 Groups Share ‘Taste of Home’ During Culture Night

An article from the Church News April 23, 2023

This year's Culture Night event represented 31 different cultures to promote BYUH's mission of cultural diversity and international peace.

Build your life the same way Nephi built a ship, Elder Cordón tells BYU–Hawaii graduates

An article from the Church News April 15, 2023

Elder Cordón joined BYU–Hawaii graduates and offered insight on how they can build their lives after the manner of God during the winter 2023 commencement ceremony.

‘The Mission God Has for You’ Can Be Found Through Seeking Education, Brother Camargo Shares at BYU–Hawaii

An article from the Church News February 28, 2023

Brother Camargo spoke to BYU–Hawaii students and faculty during the Tuesday devotional with his message centered around how gaining education can help students fulfill their earthly mission of bringing the Lord’s light to the world.

Elder Soares Speaks of the ‘Compassionate Pattern’ Set by the Savior

An article from the Church News January 31, 2023

Elder Ulisses Soares visited BYU–Hawaii for a special Sunday afternoon devotional where he responded to students' concerns such as standing for truth while struggling with faith and dealing with temptation.

Church leaders Testify to BYU–Hawaii Students of the Importance of and Strength in Making Covenants With God

An article from the Church News January 25, 2023

Members of the Church Educational System's Executive Committee, including Elder D. Todd Christofferson of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles, participated in the weekly campus devotional to talk about finding joy, making temple experiences more meaningful, and
BYU–Hawaii's role in the Church Educational System.

The Case for Faith-Based College Education and What Other Universities Can Learn

An article from the Deseret News January 12, 2023

The presidents of several religious universities gathered together in Washington D.C. to discuss how faith-based education causes universities to stand out and succeed.

Remember divine covenants and spiritual identity, President Kauwe tells BYU–Hawaii students

An article from the Church News January 11, 2023

President and Sister Kauwe kicked off the new year and semester by sharing important gospel principles that BYUH students should not forget while furthering their education.


An episode from BYUtv's "Hello Sunday" October 2, 2022

President Kauwe talks about how he leads BYU–Hawaii by looking in the direction he wants to go.

Elder Wakolo teaches 3 doctrinal truths that help give strength, peace during life’s trials

An article from the Church News — September 20, 2022

Elder Wakolo shares the importance of remembrance and how that can overcome any circumstance we may find ourselves in.

Dare to Be Different

An article from Deseret News — September 14, 2022

Deseret Magazine highlights religious institutions’ unique contribution to higher education

Elder Gilbert explains why the Church Educational System must have the courage to be different

An article from Church News — August 17, 2022

Elder Clark G. Gilbert spoke recently on the different role each school plays in the CES system

Erica Glenn: People in Poland know that Putin’s aggression may not stop with Ukraine

An article from The Salt Lake Tribune — July 29, 2022

BYUH visiting assistant professor, Erica Glenn, shares an insider's perspective on what it's like for those in Poland with unrest very near as they help Ukrainian refugees.

Elder Hales shares with BYU–Hawaii graduates ‘3 simple gifts will benefit you’

An article from Church News June 25, 2022

Elder Hales Shares with BYU–Hawaii Graduates '3 Simple Gifts Will Benefit You' 

3 invitations that provide the key to identity and belonging

An article from the Church News — May 24, 2022

Knowing divine identity is essential to meaningful belonging, which then "affects who we become," taught Elder John C. Pingree Jr. at BYU–Hawaii.

How Native Hawaiian surfers used the ocean as sanctuary

An article from PBS Hawai'i — April 22, 2022

Dr. Isaiah Walker explains the cultural importance of surfing and how Duke Kahanamoku was a champion of generosity, aloha and bravery during a complex time in Hawaiian history.

Elder Gonzalez says 'Believest thou?' approach can build faith

An article from the Church News — March 16, 2022

Elder Walter F. Gonzalez, General Authority Seventy, shared the benefits of a "believest thou" approach to building one's foundation of faith at a BYU–Hawaii devotional.

How BYU–Hawaii graduates are 'modern-day rocks' and becoming leaders

An article from the Church News — April 16, 2022

Elder Jeremy R. Jaggi and his wife, Sister Amy Jaggi, taught BYU–Hawaii graduates about growing during trials through the Savior with a metaphor to rocks.

What bonefish and polarized glasses have to do with being genuinely grateful, according to President Kauwe

An article from the Church News — February 23, 2022

"Counting blessings is like putting on polarized glasses with lenses of gratitude," President Kauwe said during a campus devotional.

9 lessons the Church Educational System learned through the COVID-19 pandemic

An article from the Church News — January 6, 2022

While the last 20-plus months have certainly been challenging, they have also been a time of discovery and innovation within the Church Educational System.

In first in-person graduation since pandemic began, Elder Carl B. Cook promises BYU–Hawaii graduates ‘the Lord has a work for you’

An article from the Church News — December 10, 2021

For the first time since winter 2020, BYU–Hawaii graduates were able to gather in person for commencement.

Through the power of the scriptures, Elder Bednar teaches BYU–Hawaii students what matters most

An article from the Church News — November 17, 2021

Elder David A. Bednar shared and explored the scriptures to teach what matters most in the commotion of the latter days to BYU–Hawaii students.

BYU–Hawaii and BYU–Pathway Worldwide announce a new partnership

An article from the Church News — November 8, 2021

Learn how a new partnership announced Nov. 8 between BYU–Hawaii and BYU–Pathway will provide increased opportunities to students in the Pacific Islands, Asia and the Philippines.

John S.K. Kauwe III, first native Hawaiian to lead BYU–Hawaii, officially inaugurated as president by Elder Holland

An article from the Church News — October 19, 2021

After a 15-month delay due to COVID-19 restrictions, Elder Holland officially inaugurated President John S.K. Kauwe III, the first-ever native Hawaiian to serve as president of BYU–Hawaii.

Elder K. Brett Nattress Encourages BYU–Hawaii Students to ‘Move to Higher Ground to Avoid the Spiritual Tsunamis of Life'

An article in the New Zealand Church Newsroom

Elder K. Brett Nattress spoke at a BYU–Hawaii devotional about finding peace during the storms of life.

Why Trust Science & History?

A presentation produced by Papa Ola Lokahi, Native Hawaiian Health Board

Academic Vice President Dr. Isaiah Walker and University President John S.K. Kauwe III present research about the history of disease and its impact on Native Hawaiians.

BYU major partner in project to combat Alzheimer's, dementia in Native, Pacific Islander communities

An article from BYU News

President Kauwe is a co-leader on a project to combat Alzheimer's and dementia in Native and Pacific Island communities.

BYU–Hawaii Students Required to Get Vaccinated Against COVID-19

An episode of "The Conversation" from Hawaiʻi Public Radio

President Kauwe sat down with Hawaiʻi Public Radio to discuss the vaccine requirement. Brigham Young University–Hawaii is one of two Hawaii private schools of any education level requiring students to get the COVID-19 vaccine.

Watch: Running from darkness and violence in inner-city New York, Elder Johnson found the light of the gospel of Jesus Christ

A video from the Church News

Elder Peter M. Johnson narrates his life story of discovering his divine identity through the gospel of Jesus Christ.

Sister Craig offers five ways to protect against the ‘lurking dangers of spiritual complacency’

An article from the Church News

"Sister Craig, first counselor in the Young Women general presidency, issued the challenge as part of her remarks during the weekly BYU–Hawaii devotional."

General Authority Seventy’s advice to BYU–Hawaii students about wishing for a different time

An article from the Church News

"Elder Gerard invited listeners to 'recognize and be consigned that this is our day'. "

Why the Church Educational System needs more than just BYU

An article from the Church News

"Each of the Church's five institutions for higher education- BYU, Ensign College, BYU–Idaho, BYU–Hawaii and BYU–Pathway Worldwide-has a distinct role and strategy."

Keoni Kauwe

An episode of "Latter-day Profiles" from BYUtv

President Kauwe sat down with Brian Howard, host of Latter-day Profiles, to discuss what what lead him from growing up in Orem and Hawaii to becoming president of BYUH during a pandemic while continuing his research on Alzheimers Disease.

Graduating during the pandemic: How Church schools are seeking to honor graduates despite COVID-19 restrictions

An article from the Church News April 21, 2021

The Church News recapped what schools in the Church Educational System are doing to celebrate graduates despite local restrictions in the midst of the global COVID-19 pandemic.

More Than 11,100 Degrees Awarded at 4 Church School Graduations During Spring 2023 Commencements

An article from the Church News May 3, 2023

April 2023 marked commencements at BYU, BYU–Idaho, BYU–Hawaii, and Ensign College.