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Campus Community

Choosing Wisely

"Life is the sum of all your choices. I urge you to choose wisely," said BYU–Hawaii alumnus and current president of Hawaii Reserves, Inc., Eric Beaver introducing his message at the May 25, devotional at the Cannon Activities Center.

Agency, noted Beaver, plays into the choices we make here on earth: "Every choice we make, including how we feel, what we think and how we act, will be accounted for, ultimately through our joy, repentance or suffering. The Lord’s consequences are eternal and unalterable. Our choices are the only variables in this equation."

He also warned of how Satan can influence our decisions. Because Satan is trying to pull us down, sometimes we will make mistakes, thus we need repentance: "If any among us are in need of returning to the path, do it. Please do not put that off. See your bishop today and get your life in order. Time is of the essence! Turning to the Savior is always the right choice," said Beaver.

He also shared a personal experience from his youth. The night before he was leaving for his mission, Beaver flushed his mother's cigarettes down the toilet and pleaded with her to keep the Word of Wisdom. After 28 years of smoking, his mother decided to quit smoking that night. Six months before his mission ended Beaver received a letter informing him that his mother returned to the temple after 30 years.

"Do not underestimate the far-reaching impact of one right decision. The exponential, compounding effect of such is astonishing," said Beaver. In conclusion he said, "My young friends, your lives hold unlimited promise for marvelous blessings. Remember, you are free and accountable. You are in charge of you. Work hard, take no short cuts. You will reap what you sow."

–Photo by Nathan Lehano