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Campus Community

"How to Dress for the Second Coming"

Elder Craig Olson, an Educational Missionary from the Department of Religious Education, spoke at this week’s devotional on “How to Dress for the Second Coming.” He began by describing his home town, Vernon, Utah, and an experience he had one evening while enjoying a family dinner. A bright light ascended above the mountains and illuminated the room he and family were in. His first thought was, ‘this is the Second Coming of Jesus Christ’ and then, ‘I’m not ready, and I’m in trouble.’ Olson continued, “I will never forget the feeling and the thoughts that went through my mind at that time as I quickly examined my life and found myself lacking in too many areas. Fortunately, it was not the Second Coming of the Savior, but a rocket that was launched into the sky from the Nevada testing site."

He then told the parable in Matthew chapter 22 of the wedding of the marriage of the king’s son. He said, “This wedding feast is symbolic of the Second Coming of Christ, where the Savior will be joined with his prepared, covenant people, who have put on the robes of righteousness. Each person that is called to the marriage feast will be examined separately and individually.” Olson then asked the audience a few thoughtful questions, “How are you dressed? Are you ready? Are there things in your life that need to be taken care of? When He comes again will you run to Him or shy away from Him? Have we procrastinated the day of our repentance?” It is important to not wait or procrastinate for the Second Coming because nobody knows the day or the hour.

Another point Olson made was to be aware of the signs and learn from others. To illustrate this, Olson told a story of when his youngest son and his family came to Hawaii to visit him and his wife. Olson and his son went to Pounders Beach so his son could boogie board. After struggling to get out far enough to catch a wave, his son asked a local how he was able to get through these waves without getting pounded, the local told him, “You always get pounded, but there are some things you can do to make it through the experience and have a wonderful time. He said that the trick is you have to do it right and you have to pay attention to what's going on.” Olson explained that just as his son learned how to boogie board at Pounders Beach by asking someone more knowledgeable, we also need to be aware of our surroundings and take advice from those with more experience and authority.

In addition to this council, Elder Olson also talked about the importance of standing on solid ground. He described his first time surfing in the ocean. He went with his wife’s family and in his determination to fit in with her family he agreed to attempt surfing, despite the fact that he was terrified of the ocean. He felt like the water was ten thousand feet deep and that if he fell off his surf board, then he would die. At one point he did fall off his board, Olson describes, “As I fell into the water, all of a sudden I hit the bottom. I stood up and the water was only neck deep. You don’t know how relieved and grateful I was.” Olson continues, “I had a wonderful time the rest of the day because I knew there was a firm and solid foundation underneath me.”

Olson closes his talk by reminding the audience of the three ways in which we can prepare for the Second Coming of Christ: “One: We need to treasure up his word. Two: We need to be watching for the signs of His coming. Three: We need to stand in holy places.” In sharing his testimony, Olson says “I pray for his coming. We need him to come. I want him to come. I want him to come soon, for me, for our children and grandchildren, and for you.”