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Campus Community

If not I, Who? If Not Now, When?

“Today I would like to share with you what helped to shape my life since joining the church. I would like to title it: IF NOT I, WHO? IF NOT NOW, WHEN?” said Sister Angelina Hsu, announcing the topic of her devotional message on August 3 in the Cannon Activities Center.

Sister Hsu first urged the audience to do more than is expected of them.  She learned this lesson when she was a young convert to the church through President David O. McKay.  

“Our vision should be where we are obedient, where we put in our best effort, and where we are guided by the spirit. And the rewards will be more than we can imagine! You will never regret you gave more than it was asked of you,” she said.

The second thing Sister Hsu urged the audience to do was to give service.  

“We are all busy and it's never really convenient to take time to help someone else, but we must not let opportunities pass us by where we could have helped someone. We need to give service at the earliest inconvenience,” she said

She talked about all the people in her life that gave her service when her husband passed away eight months ago.

The third thing she urged the audience to do was to proclaim the gospel.  

During this topic, she shared many of the experiences she and her husband had while serving their mission in Taiwan.  

One of the experiences she shared as about them tasting fruit.  She and her husband were first given a lemon to eat which tasted very sour.  They were then given a small red fruit in which they were instructed to eat the meat around the seed and let it coat their tongues for a few minutes.  Then they were instructed to eat the lemons again.  To their surprise, the lemon was sweet and they ate multiple slices like it was a treat.  

“So many people feel their lives are bitter and they feel sour. Yet when they receive the gospel and follow Christ's teachings and join the church, their lives become sweet and tasty. Now, it's the same old life, but their outlook is different and their knowledge of the purpose of life is different, so they feel different. They are happier and can have a better life,” said Sister Hsu comparing her story to the gospel.

To conclude Sister Hsu said, “Whate'ver thou art, act well thy part. I know giving service at the earliest inconvenience will make our lives richer as well as the lives of those we serve. I know we need to share the gospel and live the gospel. It's our duty, our responsibility. If not I, who? If not now, when?”

To view a full transcript of Sister Hsu's talk, click here.

Photo by Monique Saenz.