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My Least Favorite Scriptures and What They Teach Me

Students crowded into the McKay Auditorium for Elder Richard Draper’s talk, entitled, "My Five Top Least Favorite Scriptures and What They Teach Me." The July 26 devotional was so full in the auditorium that more than 200 students had to watch from the Aloha Center Ballroom since the Cannon Activities Center is closed for renovations. Draper is a service missionary who teaches Religion on the BYU-Hawaii campus.  Draper taught for 22 years at the BYU Provo Department of Ancient Scripture. He is the author of 7 books and over a hundred articles.

However, those who watched the devotional were able to gain new gospel insights. Instead of focusing on the beloved scriptures that everyone loves, Draper picked his least favorite scriptures and focused on what they teach. These scriptures are “often passed over, uncared for,” he said, but they have something important to say.

His least favorite scriptures are:
5. Desolating Scourge (D&C  5:19)  & (D&C  45:31)
4. Fear shall come upon all people (D&C  88:88‑91)
3. Wrath of the Lord’s indignation is full (D&C  43:21‑26)
2. Before the second coming there will be blood, and fire, and pillars of smoke. (Joel 2:28-31)
1. Roll of martyrs is not yet full (Rev  6:9‑11) 

In the scriptures, people learn this earth is the poorest in righteousness. The people on earth follow Satan because he convinces people they can find happiness in sin. Draper also spoke about the destructive power of selfishness. He said, “Selfishness is the detonator for sin.” He spoke of the cultural decline in the world because selfishness is fully acculturated. “Love is waxing cold,” he said, and lust is increasing.

People also learn from the scriptures about the destruction during the last days. There will be poisonous vapors, pestilence, and the loss of lives. He said, “The roster of martyrs is not full.” It is becoming increasingly hard to live according the gospel, he said, because of the corruption of the world.

But there is comfort for the righteous in the last days. In the scriptures, people learn they will not fear the latter days if they are prepared. He also said the fire and destruction will help to protect the Saints because it will destroy the wicked. The righteous will not perish. They have also been preserved for a period when they will be able to make a difference. They can be a light or a beacon of good to those around them.

Draper told a personal story about his classmate in the Army. He was with an LDS group of men and other members of the Army tried to make them look at inappropriate photographs. One of the men refused and showed a great amount of courage. His refusal and example of purity opened the doors for others to learn more about the gospel.

Draper emphasized the importance of courage and purity during the latter days. He urged those who are not pure to do anything that they can to make sure that they become pure as soon as possible. “This generation needs pure souls,” Draper said. He ended his talk focusing on the importance of building up Zion for individuals but also for those around them.

To read Elder Draper's full devotional address, click here.

Photo by Monique Saenz.