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Walking His Paths

"Come ye, and let us go up to the mountain of the Lord, to the house of the God of Jacob; and he will teach us of his ways, and we will walk in his paths: for out of Zion shall go forth the law, and the word of the Lord from Jerusalem," said Elder Donald R. McArthur, quoting Isaiah 2:3 and introducing the theme of his talk, Hale La'a—Mountain of the House of the Lord, at a BYU–Hawaii devotional held at the Cannon Activities Center on May 18, 2010.

McArthur, a native of California, is currently serving alongside his wife Donna; they serve as full time missionaries for the Honolulu Hawaii Mission at the Laie Temple Visitors Center.

Prior to this current mission assignment, the McArthurs served as President and Matron of the Kona Hawaii Temple for several years before returning home to South Jordan, Utah in 2005.

McArthur explained that the word "temple" in Hawaiian is Hale La'a, which translates to house sacred or "House of the Lord."

"I would like to share three experiences to illustrate the Lord's continued direction in the location and design of temples in our day," said McArthur.

The first temple was the San Diego, California Temple. McArthur shared his experience in being a part of picking the site for the building of the temple. McArthur was inspired by the Lord to build the temple on a piece of land he viewed from the I-5 freeway. After looking into it, he was informed that the land was not for sale.

"It seemed an impossible assignment—one that I had tried to do several times in the past. But on the following Monday I made a call and miraculously the property became available. Within days we had a purchase contract to buy the property. It seemed a miracle that only a Prophet of God could accomplish," said McArthur.

The next temple McAthur highlighted was the Kona Temple. He shared how in February 1997, the current president of the Kona Hawaii Stake, Phllip Harris, prayed to know what the Lord wanted him to do in his new calling. His inspiration came through a dream and urged everyone in his stake to become temple ready. Then in October of that year, the First Presidency announced they would construct smaller temples in areas with less LDS members.

"As he [President Hinckley] was making the announcement, I nearly stood and shouted for joy as I knew then, that in my life time I will see a temple here in Kona. What a great day," said McArthur, quoting President Harris' journal.

The last temple McArthur mentioned was the Laie Temple. He shared how Hawaii before 1819, was considered a pu'uhonua or a place of refuge or sanctuary for those in trouble.

"On Thanksgiving day, November 27, 1919, the Hawaii Temple was dedicated by President Heber J. Grant and once again Laie had become a pu'uhonua," said McArthur.

"I testify that the Prophets of God receive direct and specific revelation in building temples throughout the world. May we be ready and worthy when our Temple reopens," he summed.

—Photo by Nathan Lehano

Click here to view the full transcript of Donald R. McArthur's devotional