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Hogge's Unveil the Roots of Eternal Character

Elder Michael and Sister Annene Hogge, education missionaries at BYU–Hawaii, shared the steps to deepening the roots of an eternal character on the August 25, BYU–Hawaii devotional. Standing side by side with arms around each other, Elder & Sister Hogge took turns sharing a message gleaned through a lifetime learning.

Sister Hogge began by talking about the Redwood tree, the tallest living species, which reaches upwards of 380 feet. Essential for such height is the support of the Redwood roots that "spread out as far as 125 feet from the tree and intertwine underground with their neighbor, literally holding hands."

Using that imagery, Elder & Sister Hogge taught "eight deep roots of essential eternal principles" that will keep students well anchored in their life now and "provide strong anchor for [their] family tree in the future."

A notable "root" was Loving Kindness. In teaching this principle, Sister Hogge quoted Elder Bruce R. McConkie: "The highest manifestation of love on man’s part is seen in his devotion to God, the next, is his attitude toward his fellow men."

Another "root" was Obedience in which Sister Hogge stated, "What you are doing today as you practice obedience is reflective of how you live the commandments of God and how you obey and honor the laws of the land in which you live."

Elder Hogge touched on the "root" of Work, which "is a basic source of happiness, self-worth, and prosperity." He learned this principle at a young age as he worked alongside his grandfather and uncle at their farm at Liberty, Utah.

Sister Hogge then spoke of the "root" of Patience. Impatience, she taught, comes due to selfishness, and, in order for us to improve, we need to "regularly evaluate ourselves to determine where we stand on the patience continuum [and then] strive to emulate those individuals we consider to be patient and recommit each day to become more patient."

After sharing every principle, Elder & Sister Hogge concluded with a promise: If these principles are applied, "deep roots of eternal character [will] strengthen you and your family [against] the wild fires of daily living that threaten the growth and successes of your family tree."

--Photo by Ian Nitta