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IAAP Honors Two Women on BYU-Hawaii Staff

The International Association of Administrative Professionals (IAAP) presented awards to two women serving on the BYU-Hawaii staff during their recent annual conference in Tampa, Florida:

Theone Ta'ala (pictured at the upper left), administrative assistant for the College of Arts and Sciences and immediate past president of the IAAP's Southwest Division, which includes Hawaii, received three awards: the Distinguished Division President Award, 'because we had 18 percent growth during my term;" the Outstanding Division President in Membership Award, "because Hawaii ranked number one within the Southwest Division; and the International President's Award, "because we're not only number one in our district, but we were number one throughout the whole association," said Ta'ala.

• Patsy Tuisaula (pictured below on the right), administrative assistant for Counseling Services and academic advisor for undergraduates, and Laie chapter president this past year, won a Distinguished Chapter President Award.

"I believe this is the first time our division has received all three awards in one year," said Ta'ala, a BYU-Hawaii alumna who has worked for the College of Arts and Sciences for the past 20-plus years. She explained the awards are all related to the organization's growth in Hawaii. "All of the six chapters in the Hawaii region grew. We've been focusing on growth to try to get Hawaii recognized on the international level."

"The IAAP is an organization whose vision is to inspire and equip all administrative professionals to attain excellence. Basically, the organization helps us not only grow within our professional career, but also as we network with other professionals in the United States and internationally. It helps us realize the importance and value of what we do within the work field."

Ta'ala also explained the group on campus is called the Mahalo No Ka Hana chapter, and includes 74 members from BYU-Hawaii, the Polynesian Cultural Center, Hawaii Reserves, Inc., "and we also just recruited members from other local organizations."

IAAP award to BYUH's Patsy Tuisaula

"We have a luncheon every month," she continued, pointing out it includes guest speakers, educational activities, network, "and an executive of the year award luncheon each October."

"Every year on the international level there's a theme. This year it's 'forward moving.' When I was division president it was 'shaping the future.' It's a good organization for all of our administrative professionals," Ta'ala said.

Tuisaula agreed, although she added that receiving the award was a pleasant surprise. "Networking with the other members and working together with them makes our work as administrative assistants easier," said Tuisaula.

"Being a member is such a great benefit to me," she continued, pointing out the IAAP sends weekly e-newsletters that contain "quick tips on how to improve our work. We also have some wonderful friendships and bond with the members."