Preserving the McKay Mosaic Skip to main content

Preserving the McKay Mosaic

With approval from the BYU–Hawaii Board of Trustees, BYU–Hawaii is delighted to unveil proposed plans for the new campus welcome center, which includes the preservation and display of significant portions of the McKay mosaic.

This new building will be focused on Jesus Christ and tell the story of how faith in Christ and a desire to live His teachings are the foundation of our Lāʻie community. It will narrate the story of this community’s origins, the Laie Hawaii Temple, the university’s establishment, the Polynesian Cultural Center, and the ongoing demonstration of intercultural peace fostered by this community.

Preserved portions of the McKay mosaic will be displayed as a significant feature of the new building. Such portions will include President David O. McKay holding the American flag, the Laie Hawaii Temple, schoolchildren gathered at the flag-raising ceremony, and the Hawaii state motto: “Ua Mau ke Ea o Ka ‘Āina i ka Pono.” The names of labor missionaries will also be added as part of this display.

The welcome center will also feature important stories about the school, the community, labor missionaries, and other significant events. These stories aim to give students and visitors a deeper understanding of the prophetic vision and spiritual foundations that make this place so special.

We continue to seek your feedback and ideas on stories that could be told in the new welcome center. Please share your suggestions by email to

Note: This rendering is a draft design with placeholder art and artifacts and assumes ideal outcomes of our preservation efforts.

3D model of the new BYUH Campus Welcome Center. Paintings and murals adorn the wall, oval shaped benches are placed in the middle, a receptionist desk visible on the bottom left corner. Fake people scattered around the room. On the bottom right corner, two watermarks of the 3D model designers are included.